Monday 27 January 2014

New and Digital media(News) - How has news changed in the last 20 years? - mr halsey

How has the news changed in the last 20 years?
Consider both the audience and institutions!
News has changed drastically over the last 20 years, there is now many different ways audiences are able to view/access their news. Although many people still find out news by 'word of mouth', 500 years ago the only way new would be accessable was 'word of mouth' as there was no internet, newspapers, radio etc. Furthermore, in the 17th century audiences would use letters as there was access to early printing. Therefore the very first newspapers would be given out. Additionally, in the 20th centuary (1920, 1930, 1940) a whold new form of getting news was introduced. This was through the broadcasting platform therefore audiences were able to access the news through the radio as well as television. News through the television became mostly popular in 1953 as this was the year that the queens crowning was shown on TV. Furthermore, in the 1940's cinemas were introduced. This was a large change within news as before the movies would start they would show the latest news, much like cinemas show trailors and adverts now in the 40's they used to show news stories.
Moreover, the main way that news has changed over the last 20 years is the ways in which it can now be accessed. There are now more institutions than there ever has been before. For example, there has been 25 years.

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