Wednesday 29 January 2014

New and digital media; stories#10 - mr halsey

As it's revealed one in three children use a tablet before they can talk, a father's alarming story: The day I realised my toddler was addicted to the iPad

William, three, had become increasingly obsessed with the iPad
This article refers back to new and digital media as it discuss' how the young boy 'William' is addicted to the IPad as well as how his entire behavior had changed due to this new electronic device. His teachers at school had also noticed this behavior. William is only four therefore Father was shocked to find him playing with the device at 7 in the morning, asking for it at 4 am and have tantrums when he was unable to have the device. The four year old also hit his 18 month sister when she distracted him from playing angry birds. This article therefore shows the negative affects of younger children having new devices as they are loosing their childhood.

  • William crept back into our bedroom, found the iPad, and began playing Angry Birds - a hugely addictive video game. When his 18-month-old sister, Megan, disturbed him, he hit her'
  • The devices are so effective at occupying small children that many parents in our circle jokingly refer to the iPad as their 'iNanny'.
  • William Adams, 3, had become increasingly obsessed with iPad
  • He would search for it at night and could turn violent when it was rationed
  • Parents Guy and Katie confiscated it and William whined, begged and cried
  • Eventually, slowly re-introduced the device in a controlled fashion
  • One in three children are able to control an ipad before even talking.

In my opinion I believe it is wrong to even distract a child with electronic devices especially when they are as young as three. The reason for this is that I believe all children should be brought up in a child's environment rather than being around phones, ipad's etc as these devices are addictive and unhealthy for the child's social health. Furthermore, if the child does get addicted to electrical devices it would be the parents fault as it is them who have presented the child with the devices in the first place.

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