Tuesday 24 September 2013

Feminist; the end of men? - mr horsley

Research Judith Butler's approach to feminism. How might Butler respond to Rosin's writing in The End of Men?

To what extent do you agree with Rosin's hypothesis that women are taking over modern society? Give examples in your response.
- I agree to a certain extent with Rosin's hypothesis that women are taking over modern society in 2013. The reason for this is that not so long ago women were not even considered as the breadwinner or even a secondary earner in a household as it was always men who cared for the family financially. However, in modern society women are beginning to get higher paid jobs than men such as becoming doctors, dentist etc. This is mainly because girls tend to achieve higher than boys in school now therefore resulting in them taking over the higher paid jobs where as men continue with their 'manly' jobs such as plumbing, building etc.  Furthermore, some could argue that Robin's hypothesis is not at all accurate as society does not allow women to take over modern society. The reason for this would be that they are typically characterised as to being weaker than men and dependant upon men. Also, women are still paid less than men in modern society therefore downgrading them and not allowing them to 'take over' modern society. They are usually paid less because women are known as to taking more sick leave than men as well as the risk of them getting pregnant therefore having to take maternity leave causing the company/work place to find a part time member of staff which usually means more work for them.

Can we find examples in modern media that support Rosin's suggestion that women are taking charge? You may wish to argue the opposite - that men still dominate the media scene.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Feminism: essential reading - mr horsley

  1. Was the Twitter boycott an appropriate response to the online threats prominent women were receiving?* In my opinion the twitter boycott was not an appropriate response to the online threats prominent women were receiving as although it may have opened Twitters eyes and made them 'nervy and watching their back' it did has not stopped prominent women from  receiving online threats. This is a reoccurring issues which is hard to ignore however, much more than just a Twitter boycott would need to be done in order to reduce/stop the online threats.
  2. Should Twitter have done more in response to those threats?
    * This was obviously a sensitive and big issue and Twitter should have known this from when this began. Furthermore, Twitter should have addressed this issue instantly and stopped it or blocked these threats as it is clear it would have been a sensitive issue for many people and the Twitter boycott could have been easily avoided.
  3. Should young women in 2013 take an interest in feminism? Do young women need to 'reclaim' feminism?
    * I believe young women in 2013 should take an interest in feminism as although women have more freedom and are treated with more respect now, women are still not equal. Therefore, women need to 'reclaim' feminism and keep fighting for the right of equality.
  4. Why has the internet been effective in feminist campaigns?
    * Because people are able to express how they feel and give their opinion/views out of the internet without being judged therefore voices can be heard more efficiently.
  5. What is your opinion on page 3 of the Sun still featuring a half-naked young woman in 2013?
    * I believe it is the ladies choice to be posted on page three therefore if they do not mind being posted half-naked on page three then others should also not mind. However, young children are beginning to buy The Sun therefore parent's might have a issue with this as it could be a bad influence.